Revealing The State & Local Tax Consequences Of A Remote Workforce

Considerations For Remote Work | Work From Home Policies For Business Ohio CPA Firm

Tax Consequences Holding You Back From Deploying A Remote Workforce?

Revealing The State & Local Tax Consequences Of A Remote Workforce | The Digital Age Of State & Local Tax | Presentation Slide Deck | Ohio CPA Firm
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As remote work continues to overtake the traditional workforce, organizations must understand state and local tax considerations for their remote employees before adopting such a policy. Due to quick changes in the work environment and work-from-home arrangements many tax consequences that may result in your business reconsidering the deployment of a remote workforce. Fortunately, state and local tax leader and a principal with Rea & Associates, Kathy LaMonica, will be on hand to explain what businesses are up against. She will also be taking your questions throughout the presentation. Read on to discover what you will hear during this free, hour-long webinar.

State & Local Tax Guidance To Guide Your Remote Workforce Decision

Join Rea & Associates for a free, hour-long webinar to gain insight on tax law updates, remote work implications, what land mines you need to be aware of when registering for payroll taxes in new states, and more. During this event, you will:

  • Gain insight on the Wayfair decision, and recent updates that may affect your business 3 years later.
  • Take a deep dive into the State and Local direct and indirect tax concerns when hiring remote workers.
  • Receive an update on Ohio Municipal Tax legal challenges.
  • Tune in for predictions of where the states may be headed with the taxability of services and digital products, and how that may affect your compliance requirements.
  • And more!

Kathy, an income principal on the firm’s state and local tax team, focuses on sales and use tax consulting, compliance, and implementing technology solutions for businesses and organizations that continue to struggle with the various tax laws found throughout the nation. Since COVID-19 emerged and the topic of working remote took center stage, she has been tracking the implications associated with deploying a remote workforce. You won’t want to miss this one!

Watch The Webinar On-Demand!

Wondering if you should let employees work remotely? This webinar will make the answer clearer. To obtain your copy of the recording, complete the short form below. Your link will be sent directly to your inbox.


This webinar was recorded on July 7, 2021, and was accurate at the time it was originally broadcast. Since then, changes may have occurred. For the most up-to-date information, please contact your Rea & Associates advisor.

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